Stanthorpe Eco Expo
Stanthorpe Eco Expo 2023
We hope you enjoy seeing the photos taken on the day.
Speaker videos are to be added as soon as possible.
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Keynote Speaker:
Scott Hall
I’m a 4th Generation Farmer, my journey in Agriculture started on my family farm growing broad acre grains, pulses, & livestock in Rural Australia.
I’ve also had extensive experience in horticulture, commercial orchards & market farming.
I became dissatisfied with the farming practises used, and this started me on a mission to find the best solutions in Regenerative Agriculture that can be practically & affordably implemented.
I studied Permaculture, Holistic Management and Organic Farming …
With all of these I discovered new ways of implementing Regenerative Agriculture, however, it wasn’t until I discovered Syntropic Farming that I knew that I had found what I was looking for!
I have now studied with many Syntropic Farming teachers over the years and put all this knowledge into farming & consulting on a wide variety of agricultural enterprises.
I pioneered the first Australian Syntropic Farm ‘Gabalah’ in Nth NSW and am now invested in taking it from Research & Development to Profitable Production.
I have since moved to a 20 acre site on the Gold Coast, QLD, where I am building my new Syntropic Farm from the grass up!
I’m now a Farm Educator, a Farm Consultant and working Farmer.
Travelling widely in Australia & Internationally, I’m passionate about sharing my experience & insight into Syntropic Farming with the world."
Scott spoke at Stanthorpe Eco Expo 2023
Visit his website to find out more
Dung Beetle Expert - Rob Young
Rob will presented his speech “Who stole my Dung? – Unravelling the mysteries of Dung Beetles”, which will focus on the basic biology of dung beetles and their role in nutrient cycling, water infiltration and soil aeration.
The humble dung beetle is the small, industrious and unsung hero of pasture management, helping to bury millions of tonnes of sheep and cattle dung under the soil surface every year. Dung beetles have multiple benefits for soil health by burying dung underground - efficiently placing fertilizer at the rootzone and simultaneously aerating the soil. The flow on benefits for farmers and livestock are that parasite and bush fly levels are reduced, and that water and nutrient run-off from farms is improved.
Rob Young, co-founder of Eco Insects in Toowoomba, explains that “very few producers really understand the value and role of dung beetles on their farm, so the job of providing producers with a means of accessing beetles, knowledge and practical expertise that they can use on their farm has only just begun. Our focus is on helping producers learn about, source and maintain healthy beetle populations.”
Rob has been part of the Dung Beetle Ecosystem Engineers project, a five-year collaborative project involving CSIRO, Meat and Livestock Australia, Charles Sturt University and various other researchers, which had a number of themes:
· Importing new strains and species of dung beetles into Australia
· Rearing and distributing dung beetles at new sites
· Monitoring the biology and efficiency of introduced dung beetles across sites
· Creating a database of dung beetle species distribution and biology across Australia
· Training, educating and delivering information to pasture managers
· Quantifying the economic value of dung beetles
The Dung Beetle Ecosystem Engineers project was finalised in December 2022, but Eco Insects continues to work with CSIRO and other project partners as they breed some of the new species for distribution and release in Australia. In the Stanthorpe area there are currently 8 species that have been identified on farms.
Dung beetles are seasonal insects, with most species completing their lifecycle over 12 months. Certain environmental factors, such as very wet conditions or destocked farms with an absence of fresh dung will hinder population levels. Suppliers of dung beetles, such as Eco Insects in Toowoomba, can help farmers reestablish good populations of beetles.
Quark Making demonstration by Valerie Pearson
Valerie demonstrated how easy it is to make quark. She used the quark to make something savoury and something sweet...with samples for participants to try.
Quark is a German soft cheese, excellent for making desserts, her favourite being cheesecake. Also known as Continental Bakers Cheese, it is used extensively in cooking, and the famous Käsekuchen, the German cheesecake, is made using Quark. It can also be eaten on its own, mixed with herbs or served with jam.
A big thank you to our major sponsors for 2023
and special thanks to our 2023 supporters:
Ananda Palli
If you or your business would like to be involved in future events please use the contact form below